Saturday, March 10, 2007

What is "Following Your Bliss?"

The title of my new blog was coined by the wonderful teacher/author Joseph Campbell. After being introduced to his work by my friend Joy, I became fascinated with this simple statement. Over the years my understanding of its meaning is still developing but I do believe that I have come to the realization that Joseph Campbell was talking about passion.

Passion which emanates from the soul.

Passion that is individual and organic.

Passion gently guiding us as we watch doors open and opportunities arise in seemingly effortless ways.

By following your bliss you are engaged in the PROCESS of happiness. The journey as it unfolds is the bliss, not some future goal. It is living each day in a state of rightness.

So, there are those of you who say “Goody for you! Life is easy.” But finding and subsequently following your bliss does not mean that you sail through life. It is not an easy ride (make no mistake).

For me, my bliss is teaching.

Each day I have some moment with my students that quite literally makes me smile. I am where I should be, doing what I love. Following my bliss.


  1. welcome to the addiction my honey!

  2. Nice Blog! Following Your Bliss is a great title, and I think I'm going to find inspiration over here, quite often (no pressure, right?)


Insights and Inspirations