Monday, May 7, 2007

Please Stand by...

Well, it has happened. My doctoral studies have impeded my blogging. I have one more paper on hypothesis generating research to complete by Thursday that demands attention. I am examining a transcription, I painstakingly created, using James Paul Gee's Seven Building Tasks of Discourse Analysis. This in-depth analysis is going well but I SO want to finish, therefore I will be avoiding the blogging temptation.

I should be up and running again by the weekend. Wish me luck!


  1. wow. how lame is that? somehow your doctoral studies are more 'important' than your BLOG? Pshaw I say. Pshaw.


    Good luck honey - come back soon!

  2. So I'm supposed to believe that drinking half a bottle of champagne and falling asleep during Borat is all part of this hypothesis generating research?

  3. Mark it is all part of the writing process

    ...don’t be hatin’

  4. "the process" sure gets a workout, huh? :)

    I'm backing you up, because I do the same thing!

  5. Obviously you are joking. Nothing is more important than blogging :)

    Anyways, hope you finished your work, and I hope it turned out the way you wanted!

  6. Wow! Discourse analysis - I am touching upon that a little bit in my own research work. Hope the paper went well. Right now I am struggling to finish chapter 4 of my dissertation - even cleaning the closet (no pun intended) sounds more appealing than writing (I am so TIRED of writing, even though I love to do it generally)...


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