Monday, July 16, 2007

Adonde Voy

Nunca hubo tristezas

Ni llanto ni quejas

Sólo mucho amor

Amor y amor en plenitud

Never any sadness

Nor tears or complaints

Only much love

Love, plenty of love

I am off to Mexico early tomorrow morning for a week long stay (returning to the blogosphere on July 25th) and shall force myself to simply relax, without computers, telephones or TV/radio. I will be sitting on the porch of my little casa (pictured above) overlooking the beach. I plan to ride horseback on the beach with the sunrise, quiet walks, lots of conversation with Joy, writing in my journal, reading, napping, a massage, perhaps a day trip to Tulum or Chichen Itza and staring off into the distance -- just sitting. Lovely.

Thanks Joy for the pictures and thank you Maria for your help with the Spanish/English translation of the song Cuando Me Quérias Tú (When You Loved Me).


  1. Buen Viaje Gary! Disfruta tus vacaciones, y dile a México que me espere!!!!!

    Un abrazo del alma,

    Have a nice trip Gary! Enjoy your holidays and tell Mexico to wait for me!!!!!!

    A hug from my soul,


  2. I'm telling ya now son, no Chichen Itza - inland heat in July? Nooooo way, not me. It's Tulum or I'll be at la casa eating mangoes! ;)

  3. Happy travels. My heart is usually somewhere in a Spanish speaking country.

  4. Amor Mio, dube saico , pista charkanzo, isor mio!

    Have a nice time Gary! :)

  5. Have a great trip. The dishes, the laundry and the lint on the carpet will be waiting for you.

  6. Have a fantastic vacation. It looks beautiful!! Wow. I would love to see Chichen Itza some day. If you go will you take some pics, please??

    Have a great time!

  7. I am both happy and envious of you and Joy in equal proportion...vaya con dios, cuties!

  8. What a fantastic casa! Am jealous!! Here's to a wonderful, relaxing vacation san tv, laptops, etc...

  9. Lucky dawg. Enjoy yerself and visit me soon.

    I was born in a Spanish-speaking country. Los Angeles, CA.


  10. hoping you are having a lovely lovely time

  11. Hi everyone! Thanks for all of the well wishes. I am back and did indeed have a 'lovely, lovely time'. I will post something about it soon. Now I must get back into my real life and catch up on all of your blogs (and Harry Potter)!


Insights and Inspirations