Thursday, March 27, 2008

Picture Day

Our parent coordinator, who is responsible for making important decisions regarding home/school communications and sponsoring educational or fund raising events at our school decided to try something a little different this year.  In addition to the traditional picture day, when we get a whole class picture taken along with individual student photographs, she also scheduled a 'pose' picture day.  

This took place a few months after the first and had a much looser feel to it than the usual 'get 'em in, get 'em out' mentality of our previous picture day. On picture 'pose' day the students were asked to choose one of of five possible poses; from the extreme close-up with hands under the chin to a long shot of them lounging on a small bench.  

Lauren and I were having quite a bit of fun watching our students model in these various poses and sometime during all of this I got it into my head that we should join in as well.  The photographer welcomed the idea so Lauren and I stepped up to the bench.

We call this our wedding shot.  After all, I have spent the last six years partnered with this beautiful and talented woman so a photo such as this seems only appropriate.  


  1. LOVE the photo! :)Your blog always makes me smile, Gary!

  2. You "got it into your head"? Oh you're a riot.

    Nice photo of the two of you though. :)

  3. A photo to treasure for always.

  4. Why, Thank You Areille!

    Joy - Just what are you suggesting...that I enjoy posing or having my picture taken? You know that is far from the truth. :) Of course if this picture were not nice I would have hidden it away from the world in a cold, dark place.

    DD - And now with the ability to scan and email pictures I can treasure it in so many different ways.

  5. I mean Arielle...i before e, i before e...

  6. Nice photo!!!!!! You certainly looks like a perfect team!!!!!!!

  7. First, thanks for visiting me at Two Write Hands. (I like a couple of Linda's songs, btw.)

    Second, beautiful photo--beautiful couple.

  8. What, no close-ups of the rings?
    Can't wait to see your plant pictures later in the spring!

  9. It is a great shot-- very pretty people.

  10. I like the plain white background much better than the regular backdrops used in class pictures and also that you had a bench to step up to and not one of those fake cattle ranch fence sections they often use ;-)

  11. That is a great picture of the two of you, especially for a school photo.

  12. Holy cow! How cute are the two of you? Totally!

  13. Wedding picture!?!? That girl better watch her back. No, seriously it's a great shot, and I know she's a sweetheart and great person.

  14. were you not tempted to do a long bench-lounging shot?


  15. Dennis likes this picture very much

  16. Letty - of course I was tempted but the bench was too short :(

  17. You & Lauren are the cutest 'couple' Ive ever seen:-)


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