Saturday, September 11, 2010

Back to School

That gleeful anticipation of going back to school took a hit with the cloud of my friend James' sudden passing but the shiny, happy faces of little children offered a soothing balm.

And what shiny, happy faces!

With the arrival of each new student the commotion, joy and anticipation grew. We had a very busy morning of greeting parents and welcoming children into their new home away from home.

Each child brought his or her unique, vivid personality. There was the shy, nervous, cautious little girl who never ventured far from her mother while at the same time took in her new surroundings and eventually settled in quite comfortably.

There was the dynamic, energetic, musical and confident little boy eager to share stories of his summer, his skills, interests and family.

There was the equally confident little girl who immediately felt right at home and helped other students feel comfortable. She knew the answers to all the questions and was not at all shy about sharing what she knew.

There was the little girl who kept taking off her shoes.

There were the best friends who boosted each others comfort level as they gently glided around the room holding hands.

There was the boy who looked like he was on the verge of tears at any moment but never gave in to them.

There was the boy who wet himself and the little girl who threw up (poor thing).

And many others who helped complete our dynamic group of kindergartners.

They all made me smile and I am really looking forward to working with them this school year. Each year we count the number of school days with the children and as we march on toward the 180th day I grow sad that our time together is ending.

This was only day one and our journey has only just begun. Lucky me!


  1. You speak of them with such joy and tenderness. They are truly fortunate to have you as a teacher

  2. Nothing better for your spirits than a classroom full of those cute little faces! :)

  3. Lorenzo - Thank you. And I am truly fortunate to have them as my students. There is never a dull moment.

    Betsy - That is very true. There is no time to wallow and the world is bright, shiny and full of possibilities.

  4. Ahhhh. The joy of a teacher seeing her students for the first time as the school year starts.:-) Your students are so lucky to have you as their teacher. You are full of compassion to all of them. Have a great and fantastic school year ahead of you.:-)

  5. sounds like you are off to a great start gary...i do art at our school one day a week and it has felt great to see them...they give me so much energy...

  6. I so want to be in your class! Isn't it amazing how very different these children are from the beginning? I'm sure they will love every one of those 180 days.

  7. Your joy of teaching shines through in every blogpost and this is no exception.

    My kids went back to school just over a week or so. Mostly early starts 8am, meaning they have to leave the house at 7.30am to get the bus. Ouch.

    Word veri: prozedal

    Sounds like a new anti-depressant!

  8. Great post. Kids do grow together quickly and become the best of friends. Today is my kids 1st day, can't wait to hear all about it.

  9. Edie - I love that first day when you are not sure of how things will work out and there is excitement in the air. And I also love when we all get to know one another and work as a real group, when the children show compassion and help one another and there is incredible trust. It is so lovely.

    Thank you Tonya.

    Brian - I have so much energy when I am there but sometimes when I leave I am exhausted. They both energize and exhaust.

    Barbara - It strikes me how soon our personalities shine through. This does not mean people can't or don't change but children certainly have their own unique personalities.

    Dumdad - :) on the word veri, it does sound like a new drug. The school days are so long for kids. I am sure your children get home pretty late too. Full days for sure.

    Patti - I hope you had good news. How wonderful when kids come home and tell of their day. I was one of those kids. My poor mom. I think I talked a little too much. Still do.

  10. Your kids are very fortunate to have you for a teacher Gary! Best wishes for a wonderful school year.

    (looking forward to seeing you at the Willow Manor Ball!)

  11. oh i'm so out of it and behind!!

    sorry to hear of the death of a friend. hugs, hugs, hugs.

    but what comfort is found in your new crop of children and the joy they and you bring to the start of what will be another amazing year in your classroom!

    we look forward to the stories of these kids as you all journey together - ms. t is in KINDERGARTEN this year i hope one of her teachers brings a fraction of the passion you do to your kids!!

    dreaming of my next trip to nyc.... maybe dec or january but definitely before march...there's a show opening in oct at the rubin that i want to catch that leaves in early march..will keep you posted of course!

  12. Thank you Willow. I certainly feel blessed and honored to be their teacher and have the opportunity to spend my days with these children.

    Mouse - Ms. T is in kindergarten?! Oh, how I wish she were in my class. Please keep me posted on the things she is doing and her impressions of school. I love to get the children's perspective on things. At the end of the day I ask the children what they liked best and love their answers. Usually it is recess or snack time or choice time but just as often they say it is when I sat with them one on one (conferencing). How sweet is that? I guess we all just want some attention all to ourselves once in a while.

    I look forward to seeing you on your next visit. And thank you for the hugs. I appreciate that. xoox

  13. Love that "Lucky me!" ending - indeed, we are enriched by the kids we teach :)

  14. ah bless them all! what a sweet post, and I'm glad they are comforting you.

    i like your new blog look

    (despite not quite being ready for autumn myself)

  15. Pauline - I couldn't agree with you more.

    Letty - Thanks for noticing the new look. I was very excited about it but yours is the first comment in that regard. My friend Mike also photoshopped some holiday themed images for my header which I can't wait to use. Stay tuned...


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