Friday, April 29, 2011

The 3 R's

Our Kindergarten children offer a few helpful hints and encourage you to...

Reduce, Reuse, Recycle

You can recycle plastic bags.

You can use a paper if you make a mistake you can use again and flip it over.

I gave a book to my friend.

I take a short shower.

You can reduce paper towels. You can reuse paper towels because it's easy to pick up.


  1. okay. i want to go back and be in your class. lucky kids. lucky families!

  2. Excellent advice. One thing I miss about my children being grown in the refrigerator art.

  3. Angella - Always welcome, even as an adult. Come read to them.

    Tess - Refrigerator art! The best!

    Mammina - as are you!


Insights and Inspirations