Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Hamilton's "Dear Theodosia" in ASL

The video for Dear Theodosia is ready to share!

It's the vision of Kori Rushton, an educator at Brooklyn Collaborative and the producing artistic director of IRT Theater. Kori brought all of the elements together: she chose the song, assembled the creative team, and handled all of the scheduling details.

The result is a beautiful version of the song in ASL performed by Kori's high school students, my kindergarten students, and Gabriel Silva. The students learned the sign language using an interpretation by Brandon Kazen-Maddox. I worked with my young students a bit every morning to piece the verse together. Brandon was there on the day of the shoot to support the students and model for them in person.

I am very honored to have been involved in this collaboration. I know it meant a lot to my students who are a mix of deaf, hard of hearing, and hearing children with deaf parents. The work supports Kori's passion for celebrating #deaftalent.

Planning is already underway for the next one! Enjoy...


  1. Gary! This is so amazing! You are making such a difference in this world, for those kids, for us all. Thank you, dear friend. Keep on keeping on.


  2. I heard about the Brooklyn Collaborative School from my colleague. Only positive feedback.


Insights and Inspirations