Friday, December 31, 2021

Revamped and Renewed


Diamonds may be forever, but websites are not. My dear little website for Broadway Books First Class, which I built from scratch in 2015, has run out of storage! The good folks at GoDaddy inform me that I'll need to choose a new design with updated features and security because they plan to "sunset" my current design. Nothing can migrate from old to new, so that means starting from scratch once again! 

I don't hate the idea. The current website is very "content heavy" after seven years (as they pointed out in an accusatory tone that led me to believe I committed a shameful faux pas). It seems that I should see this as an opportunity to redesign the website so it is streamlined and easier to navigate. 

I'm not sure exactly how, but I will simplify things. It will alleviate some self-induced pressure to update it after every guest artist visit. That was becoming tiresome. It's been a ton of work keeping up and I welcome the change.

Isn't it interesting timing? I was never one for New Year's resolutions, but I do see the changing of the calendar year to be a time of renewal. There must be something in the timing of this that is good for me in some way. At least, it is if I choose to see it as such. 

So, I move forward with optimism and love. Happy New Year! 


  1. Have fun! Enjoy the new Blog and the new Year!

  2. Enjoy! Have fun with new Blog and new Year!

  3. Thank you, Sallymae. Happy New Year to you as well!


Insights and Inspirations