If you are a parent to a reluctant reader...
If your little boy grabs spare moments here and there immersed in Superman comics...
If your daughter reads through all of her comic books and asks for more...
If you are a teacher looking to 'hook' students on reading...

Comic books offer a multitude of features to allow diverse readers (at all levels) to feel successful. Emerging readers can gain an understanding that pictures tell a story as well as developing concepts of print; how to handle a book, turning pages from front to back, reading left to right. Developing readers learn how to navigate texts, make predictions and revise those predictions as they read, learn about genre, make connections with self and other texts and form an understanding of character.
I have baskets of comic books in my classroom that the students gravitate towards during free time. They also bring them with them to lunch/recess and pack them up when we take class trips to read on the bus.
I am a firm believer that with the proper motivation any child can feel confident about their abilities and dig into reading. Comic books may be one way to inspire OR to be enjoyed simply as a good yarn.
Remember to grab a few copies of Casper for me! (Do they still make those?)
Casper... oh dear. Step away, come to the super heros with me! :)
I read comic books voraciously as a teenager especially. Loved the Hulk, Swamp Thing - all the wounded super heroes were so dear to my heart.
Comic books aren't exactly like reading because all the visuals are supplied, but it's storytelling, most definitely. And fun! Comic book are can be sublime, too. Cool post!
Should have been "comic book ART"
I should drink my coffee before commenting!
Well, to answer my own question - No, they do not make Casper anymore but I was able to buy two older copies for $3.00 each.
I brought my niece and nephew today and we all got titles that appealed to us. Heather is into Venom and Mikey likes Batman.
You did get me a couple Richie Richs' right? The poor little rich boy?
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