The envelope please...
Tina over at Writer's Block passed along the Inspirational Blogger Award to me this past week.

This man has an outstanding blog. I recently discovered it and I really like what I see there.There are fantastic teacher resources in his blog and I really find all his posts, which are accompanied by lovely photos, interesting.
I realize that there are copious amounts of various and sundry awards circulating around the blogosphere and I sometimes think it a bit silly - but that was before I got one! (Actually this is not my first, that honor goes to the Schmoozer Award.) Truthfully, my opinion has changed on these awards because they are kindly recognition or acknowledgment that your 'baby' has been noticed in some positive way by a stranger. How amazing is that? So, a heartfelt, joyous thank you to Tina for thinking of me. I am really pleased.
In the spirit of these things it is imperative that one pass along this kindness to five others. Here is where I will break from the expectation just a bit. I would like to bestow this to only one blog/blogger.
Joy at I've Got a Crush on Me. A blog with the tag line, "The journey of a formerly suicidal manic-depressive as she discovers the joys of being alive every single day". By detailing her day to day existence with humor and tenacity Joy hopes to bring optimism to anyone who might be suffering as she has in the past. Her message is that things can change for the better if you just hold on long enough to work through the pain and depression. Her words stand as a testament to the fact that it can happen. If that is not worthy of Inspirational Blogger I do not know what is. So, go check her out - besides she is my BFF.
And...I went to see Linda Ronstadt last night in concert at the Mann Center for the Performing Arts in Philadelphia. She sang a potpourri of songs encompassing her wide range of musical stylings; big band standards, rock and roll, pop, jazz, Afro-Cuban influenced and country. At this point I have such an intimate relationship with her (not that she knows it) that I could tell she was not on top of her game. Although she still possesses the most impressive instrument of any singer I can think of she seemed a bit over it last night. But, she did interact with the audience more than she has in the past and it is a pleasure to know that our political views are on par with one another. It seems that my teenage adoration has finally moved into a more grown-up realm.
My nephew Josh getting out of ICU this evening. He is able to eat on his own and the plastic surgeon is going to take the stitches out of his mouth and face tomorrow morning. At this point he is feeling antsy, a tad grumpy and bored. All good signs as far as I am concerned.
Tomorrow morning I fly to Florida (and boy are will my arms be tired) to spend a week with my mom and dad and my older brother Wally and his family. This will be a different experience this time because my oldest nephew Jamie (Wally's son) is now in the United States Air Force. It'll be my first visit down to Florida without seeing him and he will be missed. Actually, he is supposed to leave for duty in October to Afghanistan which also worries me. It does not worry him however so I suppose all I can do is keep my fingers crossed.
My parents now have a computer and I should be able to access the Internet. So next time you hear from me I shall be even hotter than I am now. If that is possible.
My nephew Jamie and I climbing the Empire State Building.
Silly or not, I'm all for handing out such awards, and your blog (and Joy's for that matter)are worthy of the inspirational honors. It's nice to read a blog that is usually upbeat, even when something awful happens such as the accident with your nephew. It's a good reminder to me to hold back the crankiness on my own.
Oh, and nifty new banner. Perfect for the last dog days of summer.
Congratulations on the award my friend. And thanks for visiting my blog today. That was very cool of you.
Thanks to Tina I have another blog on my list to visit. Enjoy your trip with your family!
Congrats on the award, I am inspired by how you can give a way 1 Curious George and turn that act of good will in to 2 more Curious George's on the bookshelf.
Anyhoo, Linda was a little rocky in some places but when she opened with "What's New" and was still able to end it holding that endless note I knew everything was going to be fine.
"The monkey looked the buzzard right dead in the eye, your story's touching but it sounds like a lie" "I used to dedicate this song to Enron and since they got what they deserved I now dedicate it to Alberto Gonzales". Classic and probably the reason why there were some empty seats. People are so weak when it comes to dealing with political opinions.
The show, the weather, the completely unhealthy pre-show dinner and the opening act scat singing were all wonderful. If I had to say anything negative I guess it would be that "Poor Poor Pitiful Me" could have used "A little more cowbell". Sorry that sound guy wouldn't give you the set list.
Gregg - On an unrelated note...I love the haircut!
Dan - Congrats to you as well. And might I add that you are the comment king! I feel happy when I get 10 comments and you are getting over 300 in a day. What is your secret? Witty personality, good writing, insightful thinking? Anyway, thanks for stopping by and visiting my 'baby'.
Mark - Yes trading Dr. George for Fireman George and Bedtime George seems to be a good exchange. See, you do something nice and it comes back to you twofold (was that the bible or the Enquirer?).
"A little more cowbell..." You crack me up.
You are already REALLY hot. ;-)
Congratulations on the award. How cool is that?
Enjoy your trip, too -- and I LOVE Linda Ronstadt. I saw her out here in Seattle years ago and it was magical - she played right down on the water and all the stars were out. Hope you gave my love to Philly - my hometown!
CONGRATS Mr Schmoozer!! What did I tell give inspiration to others...
Glad to hear about Josh - have a great trip!
Deleted your email address from my comment - Thanks again!
This post is so chock full of good stuff I can hardly contain myself!
Congrats on getting acknowledged and recognized by others! U certainly have a positive optimistic attitude which actually helps me feel better every day, being the existential depressive little soul I can sometimes be! I must check out Joy's blog too, so thanks!
So happy to hear u got to see Linda Ronstad too! That is awesome! The nephew is getting better, you're flying to Florida, and I love the picture of you holding the umbrella.
Congratulations again Gary! You are truly worthy of this award. Congratulations to Joy. I have visited her blog and believe that an award is well-deserved.
I am very happy to hear that your nephew is recovering.
Enjoy your vacation!
all hail the gary!
like the daggy photo
Congrats Award Winner! Yay! I like prizes and awards too. An apple for the teacher.
And thanks for the good news about your nephew.
J.DZ-S - Our love of Linda only makes our relationship stronger. :) I'll give Philly a hug from you!
La Bellina - I got your address and will ship the book out when I get back home. Do not worry about cost my dear, consider it a gift for the children.
Wat - "the existential depressive little soul" man - you should def check out Joy's blog maybe there is something there for you my friend. As far as positive optimism on my end I would say that things will be picking up soon because I start teaching in two weeks. Yippee! I really miss my kids.
Tina - You rock!(I am channeling my inner teenager.)
Poddy - You make me smile. BTW, what is a 'daggy' photo?
Ched - MEOW! Purr, purr...
Hey handsome - hope you are having a nice vacation. P.S. - you CAN post a comment on my other blog, the area to do so is hidden at the bottom of the post.
Congratulation gary! Tina is here! & I was wondering where she had disappeared to!! & Dan too? well well...Its a small world for sure!
I had passed on the same award to dan :)
Gary I was wondering about your nephew when I came here & I see you have already spoken about him. I am glad he is recovering. I haven't been around much as my son had an accident too, was thrown off his motorbike as he tried to save a dog. But nothing serious .Thank God!
You are the second blog person telling me about someone from their family being summoned to posting in Afghanistan. I hope all is well in the region! I wish your nephew Good luck & good wishes.
Please give my Love to your Lovely Mom when you visit her.& also my good wishes to your Dad.
Must visit Joy's blog sometime.
& I hope your eternal love for Linda prospers :))
Mona - Sorry to hear about your son and his injury but thankful that it was nothing serious.
Thanks for your concern for both my nephews. Josh got out of the hospital today and Jamie is going to come home (to Florida) for two weeks starting on Saturday before he begins his travels. I will miss him by one day. Darn!
I showed your comment to my mom and she said you are very pretty! She sends her love right back to ya.
Congratulations, Gary! Your award is well deserved!
It seems I'm always a day late and dollar short and now I've been a bad blogger too!! But I'm here to say THANK YOU to the best, best friend anyone could have. I love you my Gary, and you are so sweet to say such nice things about me here. You know I appreciate you in my life every day. Where would I be without you? :)
Say "hi" to everyone in FL for me!
Oh Gary!! That is so sweet of you!!! Thank you.
There is no way you could be hotter. Try. It just won't work!
Glad to hear your nephew is feeling grumpy. That means he is healing. People on the mend have enough energy to be grouchy. Bravo!
Have a wonderful time with your family. GREAT salute to Joy's blog, and CONGRATS on your award!!
glad to make you smile. daggy is an ozzie term that has a fwe meanings.....i meant it as being funny in a slightly goofy way. i get called a dag a lot here. i thought it was derogatory but it isn't. tis a term of endearment dear fellow
Pod - Oh, I see. I thought it meant dapper or some such.
i'm sure you can look pretty dapper too though...
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