I think my own path stands as testimony to the fact that when you have the passion to 'follow your bliss' the universe conspires to make your dreams a reality. Opportunities become available, doors open, the right people are put in your path and off you go. This does not mean that the journey is easy, but it is most certainly worthwhile and fulfilling.
In speaking with others on this topic I find that the most difficult aspect of making dreams a reality is finding your dream. Discovering the one thing that ignites the fire, feels right and makes you realize that life is sweet.
My friend Mike found his with photography. He currently has a photograph (see below) entered in the Mad Men television show casting call contest. Here is where the aforementioned support comes in to play. The contest is based on voting. In order for the actor in the photo, Paul Howard, to get a walk-on role and for Mike to get some attention as a photographer they need votes.

Let's help one another realize a dream.
Well aren't you sweet to help out a friend. Voted.
Thanks RG
I'll give them my vote, though I'm tempted to follow my dream of being on Mad Men too!
Speaking of dreams, over dinner on Sunday a friend who has worked at a big corporate law firm for 30 years said that he has had a long standing dream of teaching to deaf. I told them that he needs to check out your blog.
Gregg - Excellent. Thank you. And thanks for sending your friend over to the blog. I have not written too much about school lately but hopefully there are some posts he might find interesting.
Did you know you can make your own Mad Men cartoon character? I think it is available on the website too. You would fit in perfectly there. :)
You have always been an inspiration to me. The fact that you listen to your instincts to make sometimes difficult decisions that you know are going to make you happy is a great quality that I truly admire. And I truly appreciate your support in my attempt to follow my own bliss with the world of photography! (and thanks RG and Ladron for voting!!)
Voted! I'm all about helping people realize their dreams! (or is it crushing their dreams, I sometimes get confused on my mission statement).
When do we find out the results?
That is a great photo! Also,"If you can dream it, you can achieve it" is a VERY good thing for me to be reading today. Thank you.
Yes, I made my own Mad Men character and posted it on Facebook as have several of my friends. I think you'd be a great male version of sexy Miss Joan. :)
Gregg - I'll have to check it out although I never watched the show and I don't know who Miss Joan is I am sure you are 100% right. Thanks!
Cyndy - I popped over to your blog and it does seem as though you have your hands full these days. It looks as though you are making some dreams come true as well.
Sebastien - I think the voting goes until August 11th (tomorow!) and after that I'm not sure what happens. Thanks for voting.
Mikey - You know I love ya more than my luggage.
This picture is all over Facebook now with other people I know. Most interesting. How ya doing over there buddy? Missing Italy? Relaxing before the new school year starts? Love that pic of you in the sheets. MA GOODNESS WELLBROCK. I SAY I SAY...
Oh, this picture, meaning the Mad Men thingy. LOL.
i shall (if i can as a brit...)
and yes you HAVE been a lazy blogger, haven't you? :-)
so glad you've been having such a wonderful "holiday"
(not a word i've previously thought of as especially British)
Where oh where are you? :) I miss your tales and inspiring posts.
I have been enjoying a glorious summer and all is well here. The time is fast approaching however when I will be back in full teacher mode and therefore posting more often.
Thanks for thinking of me. I hope you had a fantastic summer as well.
OK, I just did. And will continue to do so!
Jill - Thanks but the voting is over and they did not make it to the semi-finals. But their pic is better than most of the ones that did!
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