By the end of first grade, students are required to know about 110 sight words. These are words that they should be able to immediately identify on sight as well as know how to spell. They include common words from the Dolch sight word list and are words that children encounter in print on a regular basis.
Over the years I have found many ways to encourage students to have fun learning how to spell these words. One crowd pleaser is called The Spider Web Game (cue menacing music).
Everyone sits in a circle and the teacher holds a large ball of yarn in his/her hand. One hand is holding onto the end of the string while the other holds the ball, ready to toss at the person sitting across from them. Once the teacher tosses the ball of yarn to the child opposite them they ask that child to spell a word from the word wall.
Teacher: Spell 'over'.
Student: O-V-E-R.
Super. Then the student takes hold of the yarn so that there is now one thread of the spider web between the teacher and the student. Then the student tosses the ball of yarn to a child sitting across from them. Again the teacher asks this child to spell a word and when they do, that child tosses the yarn to the next child.
This goes on until everyone has had a turn. At this point there should be a big spider web connecting everyone to everyone else.
Then the fun begins.

It sounds yucky but remember your audience!
Everyone get a turn as either the spider or the fly. The tricky part to manage is keeping the yarn from getting tangled up when the game is finished. I have everyone sit holding their yarn as I roll it back into a ball. When they feel a tug they can let go.
Give it a try in your classrooms. It is a lot of fun.
What lucky children to have you for a teacher! Did you make up that game?
what a fun sounding game....how have I missed this one!thanks for sharing it!
Hey, I love your blog!!!
this really made me smile :) ...'eating' the fly :D
That drawing is so cute! the resemblances are remarkable. I can see Lauren & Gary
That sounds a lot of fun - and educational too!
even my sighted second graders would love this!
Off subject. If you submit to an interview, you have to interview however many asked to be interviewed, but, since you chose the questions, you could email out the same set to everyone.
Tut-Tut - I read about this game in The Mailbox (which is a magazine for teachers) but that version did not include the last bit where the spider eats the fly. I added that on my own to spice things up a bit.
That is such a cute game! I've done daycare in my home for many years and yes, games are a huge key in children learning. I believe it stays with them much longer when learning is made to be exciting rather than monotone! Awesome work!
What a great idea!
I want to be in your class! I'm thinking at the shelter we might want to play games as an activity after we read instead of making something. I'll bet they would love the spider web game!
That's a very clever game! It's like an educational version of twister! I'm not even a little bit surprised you added the spider eating the fly segment... after all aren't you the sweet little boy who made your little sister think you were a zombie? Evil. Funny as hell though. ;)
"I'm Not Gary" LOL It's a wonder that she still adores me.
Good to see learning, fun and games going hand-in-hand, thanks Gary. I take a similar approach when teaching blind students to use their "talking" laptops.
A variation on your "swap to the next seat" collaborative story writing game is to e-mail the sentences to the next person. The additional skills involved in editing (deleting unwanted "forwarded" text, positioning the cursor correctly, and so on) are challenging for those children who use neither mouse nor screen.
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