I was forever putting on a 33 and getting lost in the world of heartbreak, courtesy of my favorite singer, Linda Ronstadt.
Linda Ronstadt was once called "Heartbreak on Wheels" in Rolling Stone magazine and didn't I know it. I was in love. Anyone entering my little piece of heaven could clearly see this. Posters of Linda (including the one on the left) were taped to every available wall.
In my adolescent innocence I would sing along to "Long Long Time" or "Different Drum" with my bedroom windows open and imagine that Linda would just happen to be driving by and hear me. She would cock her head and say to Peter Asher "That voice!" and slam on the brakes. She would hasten to my front door, whisk pass my befuddled parents and glide into my room with a huge smile on her gorgeous face. Our eyes would meet as she joined me for the final chorus "And I think I'm gonna love you for a long, long time". We would wipe the tears out of our eyes and hold hands. She'd ask me to join her on tour and I would kiss Long Island good-bye!
Well, that never happened. (Am I bitter? Absolutely!)

One year for her birthday I celebrated the occasion by asking my friends (including Joy) to dress up in Cub Scout uniforms (Linda used to wear one in concert) and go miniature golfing. Then back to my house for a round of "Happy Birthday" and some Carvel ice cream cake. Luckily, everyone was into it and I greatly appreciated that even my mom supported me in this bit of silliness.
Today Linda Ronstadt celebrates another birthday; her 62nd! And as she has grown older, I have grown up. I (probably) won't be buying a cake for her or dressing up but I'm pretty sure I'll be listening to her music - especially my favorite Linda song Blue Bayou.
It strikes me how the manifestations of celebrity change as we age. When I was young I looked up to rock stars as folks who lived glamorous, carefree lives full of joy and happiness. They saw things, went places, met people. They represented a world far removed from the confines of my bedroom. It is an innocent perspective. I'm glad I had that.
But now I view things differently. I have seen things, gone places and met people. I have experienced the world beyond my bedroom walls. I no longer crave discovery or confirmation from some outside source.
This is not to say that I have given up my dream of becoming friends with Linda. Oh, No! But at this stage of the game I want her to admire me as much as I admire her. And it had better happen soon as neither one of us are getting any younger!
So, Happy Birthday my talented, strong willed, opinionated, smart, beautiful crush.
I will leave you with a great mix of Linda's "You're No Good" and Amy Winehouse's "You Know I'm No Good". I would love to have this song so if you know how to add a video to iTunes from YouTube please let me know.
You could get the audio by using something like freecorder (a firefox add-in) to record it - it's a nifty bit of software that will record any sound that you can play on your computer's soundcard. I think there are similar bits of software that will do this for video but I've never used them.
Nice blog by the way!
Linda's 62?!!!!
Which means we're all getting older too. (ouch)
Thanks for sharing the vid.
I've followed her off and on through the years and have about 80% of her catalog. What I appreciate about her is that she has always been evolving, taking risks and not above doing some downright weird things now and then. ("We Will Rock You" on her lullabye album being a perfect example.) Oddly, I think my favorite album of hers was "Winter Light" which was certainly after her time in the limelight but had some amazing tunes. Happy birthday to her and may she remain your musical muse many years to come.
Your devotion to Linda is pure and beautiful, my dear one. Sixty two isn't as old as it used to be, you know ...
Awesome post sir! YEEHA! You're the world's biggest Linda fan I know, even if it is through the blogosphere!
I was so small when I remember making my mother buy me the 45 to BLUE BAYOU! And I may have mentioned this before, but I will never forget my late father's favorite Ronstadt album, CANCIONES DE MI PADRE! Jaysus, she sure could belt out those mariachi songs . Those are just some pipes u were blessed with Linda.
Happy 62nd!
well now I've had to go and download Long, Long Time.
When I heard that it was Linda's birthday I thought of you!!
I remember your posters ALL over your room. Great post.
I agree with Junk Thief on the "Winter Light" thing although I also like Frenesi because it was an unusual move. I like to see how many times you hear "corazon" in Spanish language songs. I "corazon" Linda Ronstadt.
You're forcing me to download "Blue Bayou" from Itunes....that song always makes me smile.
Lirone - Thanks for the information I will give it a shot. And thanks for the kind words.
dumdad - Ouch indeed!
Gregg - 80%! That is amazing because she has quite a huge repertoire of music. She has taken me though some musical landscapes that have been a challenge for me but I also appreciate her diversity. "We Will Rock You" is a perfect example of an odd choice but I do like that Lullaby CD otherwise. And Winter Light is wonderful. I think that some of her later albums would have received a much better reception if they were released in her heyday.
Reya -You're right... it is and it isn't.
Wat - Where is your Linda post? Canciones was one of those stretches for me because it was so unlike anything I had been listening to up to that point. Also, because I don't speak or understand Spanish. But that has not stopped me from learning every song and singing along in Spanish anyway. I wonder how horribly I mess up the language.
Pauline - Yippee! My perspective on that one has changed as I have gotten older. So much emotion, heartbreak and longing.
Patti - Oh, my enchanting friend from High School! You know my niece has my old room and it looks NOTHING like it did when it was mine. However, I do still have all of my old posters - now if I only had a wall to hang them on! Is your daughter a Linda fan? I have been making my nephews and nieces listen to her music since they were little. At least they have heard of her.
Mark - It does come up quite a bit on those albums doesn't it. But if you pair corazon with Linda Ronstadt I am in your corner.
Christopher - Another Yippee!! I love that both you and Pauline have downloaded Linda music as a result of this post. Spread the word...
cool video!
Love the Linda blog!
what a wonderful tribute and birthday gift to linda! gosh, I wonder if there's any way try and have her read it.....
if she had the good fortune of meeting you, I expect she would be admire you MORE than you admire her - the commitment you have to your craft (the teaching of kids) and the sacrifices you make to do so (geez your commute is mind boggling and then working on your phd, teaching adults, well I could go on but for the sake of brevity will stop for now!)
she sure was a hottie - no wonder why all the boys (and probably more than a few girls) were going ga-ga over linda!
Bella - Which one? I am going to assume you mean both :)
Maria - See, was that so hard?
Kimy - That was quite the loveliest comment ever, thanks. However, I get the impression that Linda would not really give a hoot about anything I do or what her music has meant (means) to me. But I could be wrong.
And yes, she was quite the looker!
What beautiful wonderful memories you brought back. Wish we could go back to those days again. I love you so much; you are a wonderful son and my precious friend. Love ya, Mom xxxooo
Mom, you make me smile as always. I have so many amazing memories of growing up. Thanks for making my life such a happy experience. Do I feel another "Tips from Mom" coming on?
That is one true love :D ! & I remember telling you last year too, that your Linda & my husband share the birth date!
Belated Happy birthday to Gary's Linda!
Gary< The children's artwork is amazing! I can see so much power in the strokes! I love the spiderman!
You are too funny! What a Linda Ronstadt groupie! I loved the story about dressing up as cub scouts and playing miniature golf before the Carvel celebration.
For the record I did not wear any portion of a cub scout uniform that day. I was willing to ask the people at Carvel to write "happy birthday Linda" on a cake (and explain who Linda actually was) and then sing to the non-present singer, but my college-aged fashionista drew the line at wearing a cub scout uniform.
Glad that's settled! ;)
Love the mix of Linda and Amy!
And this post was really hot, by the way. There's just something about those early crushes...
i loved my old bedroom for the exact same reasons, and sometimes, just sometimes, i wish i was back there, bored and wondering what love was all about. funny hey? but i'm afraid to say that i would gladly set amy's hair on fire.......
enjoy lettuce
i hear it goes nice wiv chocolate
I loved my room when I was a kid. I can't imagine what growing up with a shared bedroom would be like. It's so great to have a personal retreat!
I bought Linda's "What's New" album with some of my graduation money when I graduated high school!
I loved Blue Bayou, but a lot of that came from living in an area called Bayou Blue. She was/is still a favorite!
Mona - Happy belated birthday to your husband. I should remember that. I love the children's artwork. It is fascinating to me to watch them create it. They know what they want to draw, they are so fast and full of purpose. Just amazing.
Barbara - Aren't good groupies supposed to sleep with their rock star heroes? Just putting it out there...
Joy - Oh, you are right I suppose but I do have an image of you in my mind wearing at least a cap or bandana, no?
Aileen - I love the hot part.
Pod & Steve - Boys and their rooms! I wonder if it is the same for girls. I suppose it is but none of the females mentioned it.
David - What good taste you have my man.
Keep dreamin' darlin'. :)
That's quite a tribute to a killer lady!! She's lucky to be crushed on by someone like you! :)
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