According to their literature this program reaches over 50 million children and their families in 30 languages and 80 countries each year. The goal is to inspire kids to take control of their own oral health.
Last year the folks at Colgate-Palmolive were looking to create a special edition of their Bright Smiles, Bright Futures program designed with hard-of-hearing students in mind. The materials that were subsequently created emphasize language and readings skills and incorporate the use of visual aids to help reinforce important oral health knowledge.
Of course, I said that I would be delighted to participate. I was given the materials and asked for input that would be beneficial to deaf and hard-of-hearing students. What changes or additions would need to be made so that this program was not only appropriate but useful?
The packet has many components. There is an animated adventure movie called Dr. Rabbit and the Legend of Tooth Kingdom about an exciting oral health journey with knights and monsters. This DVD includes optional subtitles to allow for ease of interpreting into American Sign Language. The good folks at Colgate-Palmolive also included a copy of the script which I applaud because this can help students and teachers prepare before viewing. It also promotes literacy and reading fluency as the students are encouraged to read the script over and over. The more we read the better we become at reading!
The characters, places and main concepts from the DVD are also pictured on cards along with the word written out in English and with the fingerspelling alphabet.

Overall, I thought the materials they originally presented to me looked very good. I made a few suggestions that were accepted (like changing the wording of the program from "An Oral Health Education Program for Hearing Impaired Third Grade Students" to "An Oral Health Education Program for Hard-of-Hearing Third Grade Students". The difference may not seem so important but it is) and a few that were not accepted (like targeting this for a younger grade, perhaps First, because the cartoons seem a little young for Third graders).
The packets were completed and sent out to schools in January but I just received a copy of mine last week. The thrilling part of this for me is that in addition to having a cool item on my resume, I am listed as an 'Education and Oral Health Advisor' on the back of the brochure.

Yeah, I think you're entitled to jump the gun a bit on that degree claim. :)
A friend and I were laughing yesterday about the old toothpaste commercials where the kid exclaimed, "Look ma, no cavities!" (I think they were for Crest?) Anyway, as kids we always thought it was such a strange commercial because we didn't have cavities -- municipal water was already being fluorinated and kids were being taught so well to take care of their teeth. We were like, "WHY is the kid so excited not to have cavities?? That's just NORMAL!"
I'm delighted at your new fame! And Ph.D does look quite nice after your name! You've just made me think we should do a reading hour on "dental health". Do you think I could get them to send sample kits to me to share with our shelter kids?
So cool! how do i get my kids to play, too?
Steve - I was not so fortunate. There were always cavities involved. My family is not blessed with good, strong teeth so 'no cavaties' when it happened was always a big deal. BTW, it is so great to see you back in the blogosphere. I missed your voice and your pictures.
Barbara & Nic - Oopsie! I guess I should have included their website. For more information click here
Yeah Doc. Imma just call ya Doc starting now okay? Yeah, get these kids started young on taking care of those choppers. I hate doing it, but I really have good oral hygiene. Gotta brush nice and thoroughly, floss, rinse with hydrogen peroxide, scrape that tongue, use baking soda from time to time...
It's a whole ordeal, but worth it.
WOW!!!! I couldn't be more proud of you! That title sure looks good behind your name. Love ya, Mom xxxooo
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